Monday, December 18, 2017


SoapUI tool is developed by Smartbear and is used to test web services.
·       Can do Functional, Load & Performance testings
·       SoapUI tool automatically generates SOAP message after interpreting WSDL file.

Below are the different properties of asserting in SOAPUI

ASSERTION:   Is nothing but check points.
                         We add assertions for each step of the Test Case by clicking Add Assertion button

XPATH MATCH: Uses XPATH expression to select target nodes & its values. XPATH is an XML query language for selecting nodes from an XML document.
Under XPATH window we have to declare namespace which is done by clicking Declare button, below is the namespace which will be automatically added

declare namespace soap='';
declare namespace ns1='';

1st Namespace is schema URL and
2nd corresponds to actual Web Service URL

Below these namespace, we need to add our XPATH which we are validating.

    It has              count()
                           match(xpath/text(), tr)
                           content – xpath/text()

It helps us to validate group of XML response which are repetitive in nature.
By XPATH we can only validate one occurrence of XML element but by using XQUERY we can validate group of XML responses.

CONTAINS: searches for the existence of the specified string. It supports regular expression

NOT CONTAINS:Searches for non-existence of the specified string. It also supports regular expression

Are nothing but variable declaration at different levels (Project level, TestSuite level, TestCase level). These properties can be defined under custom properties tab.
Project Level properties can be accessible to all the test suites & test cases which is nothing but global availability.
TestSuite Level properties are available to all the test cases which are defined under that test suite.
TestCase Level properties are available to only that particular test case.

Syntax: {#level#propertyName}
              Eg: {#project#fromCurrency}

Sample NameSpace declaration inside assertion
declare namespace soapenv='';
declare namespace ns1='';

Property Transfer  are used to transfer properties from testStep and their containing testCase, testSuite & project.

Conditional GoTo  is used when we want to move to next step only when condition passes, otherwise fail it.

Groovy Scripting:

Groovy scripting is a dynamic language for Java Virtual Machine
Groovy scripting is also known as loosely coupled language.

We can write groovy script under SoapUI Project à TestSuite à TestCase à Add Test Step à Groovy Script à

To comment we use double slash “//
To print output to console “your message to print to console”
To declare variable      def Name = “Kareem”
              Note: here def indicates any data type, Name indicates variable and its value inside “”

We can print variable while printing ur message as follows
     “your name is:” + Name
     “your name is$ Name”

Loops in Groovy
If(Name== ”kareem”){ “he is good boy”
{ “he is bad boy”

Assert Command
Assert command will check if the condition is true or not, if true it proceeds further step execution, if false it halts/terminates the execution

Syntax :             assert variableName == “khan”

For Loop
We can also use def in place of int

for(def i=0; i<=0;i++){ i

While Loop

def j=1
while(j<=5){ j

def abc = new string[5]

for(def a=0; a<5;a++){ abc[a];
We can get size of an array as abc.size()

We can also declare & initialize array as follows
def terms = [“first0”, “first1”, “first2”, “first3”, “first4”, “first5”]

Which is nothing but abnormal condition which will occur during normal execution?

Have try/catch block

// add statements which will produce abnormal condition
Catch(Exception e){
// printstackTrace of exception logs

Data Structures

ArrayList --Index starts from 0

ArrayList ar = new ArrayList();
ar.add(“a”); //to add values to ArrayList
ar.get(0); // to retrieve values from ArrayList

ar.size()//to get size of ArrayList

Is a key-value pair

HashTable ht = new HashTable();

Is a key-value pair

def names = [“Name” : “kareem”, “age”:”27”]; names[“Name”] // key should be passed as argument for hashMap

Index starts from 0
def course = [ 1,2,3,”abcString”, 90, “secondString”] course[3] // will print abcString as output.

When we launch Groovy Script window, we have context & testRunner variable
Scope of context Variable lies in the test case level only.

Context.setProperty(“VariableToStore”,”valueAssignedToVariable”);//to set/add property
Context.getProperty(“VariableName”);//to get property by passing variableName

We can also get custom property values into Groovy Script by using the expand() method as
By using expand() we can get request/response Context.expand(‘${#TestCase#Age}’)

#TestCase#Age à 1st need to specify level from where you are getting value, 2nd is attribute from which value is read

This Context variable can be used within the TestCase, but not outside the TestCase.
Either it can be request or response.

Eg: context.expand('${GetSupplierByCity#response}')

GetSupplierByCity – is response output
Response is what we want to print as ouput.

If you want to get only the tagName value from entire response, then we can get as follows.
To do so, we have to import the xml package and then do the operations


def response = context.expand('${Add#response}') response

def xml = new XmlHolder(response)
def desiredValue = xml.getNodeValue("//AddResult") desiredValue

To set value for any node then we have method inside XmlHolder as follows

TestRunner scope is in the entire project.
Either we can set/get the property values throughout the Project (May be under different TestSuites/TestCases). This operation we cannot do using Context variable.

If we have global property defined under TestSuite level we can get that under any test case step by using TestRunner as follows under Groovy Script 
PreCondition: Create a global property under test suite level “place:Bangalore”

To access the global property under test case step


Above command displays “Bangalore” as value which is assigned to place property

Have to import package

import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestRunContext

def desiredTestStep = testRunner.testCase.testSteps(“DeleteEmployee”).setPropertyValue(“Request”, dxml), context) // if you want to run the above step we have to use run() method
1st arg – is testRunner
2nd arg- is context
Accessing other property values which are located in different testSuite level

myProject.testSuites[“Test Suite 2”].testCases[“Test Case 1”].testSteps[“AddEmployee”]

testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project. testSuites[“Test Suite 2”].testCases[“Test Case 1”].testSteps[“AddEmployee”]

If you have to choose one among the multiple testSuites or testCases then we have to select as above within square brackets.

desiredTestStep= myProject.testSuites[“Test Suite 2”].testCases[“Test Case 1”].testSteps[“AddEmployee”]

desiredContext=new WsdlTestRunContext(desiredTestStep), desiredContext)

Execute the Add employee from other test suite and take the same name from request xml
Pass it into get employee details and run the request.
From the response Get employee details take again the name and pass it into delete employee request and run it


1.      To read data/properties from any external sources (excel or xml) pro version has test step called DataSource & DataSourceLoop
DataSource is linked to DataSourceLoop.
For ex: if you want to add employees which are declared inside any external file into database, then we can make use of single script (business logic) and DataSourceLoop so that one by one employee will be added into db taking values from DataSource.
Here DataSourceLoop is nothing but looping operation of DataSource properties

DataSource can be of any one of the following
i.                    Grid
ii.                  Excel (Should save excel in .xls format, not in .xlsx format as it wont support)
iii.                JDBC
iv.                 XML
v.                   Groovy
vi.                 File
vii.               Directory
1. Grid – first Add properties like Name, Age, Dept, ID, Verification by clicking + icon, then provide values in right pane as in screenshot. Then click on Execute button

File – first add all properties, then provide values in excel sheet and save it with .xls format as SaopUI supports only this format.
Select DataSource as Excel à provide excel source à worksheetName & starting Cell
Then click on Execute button

2. Data Sink
If you want to update external file with response results, then we have to go for DataSink.

To write back value of the response into Output property, we have to create Property Transfer request from request as follows

Now export result to external excel file as follows

Same scenario using notepad files as follows

3. Conditional Go to
Is nothing but a condition or if else loop,
If particular property/element is present, then only execute Target Step, if not terminate the execution

4. Delay
To sleep for so many particular of milli seconds before executing further step.

 5. DataGen
If you want to generate/pick random numbers then go for this Data Generator.

Data Gen using “Number” type – you can use this for random number generation

Data Gen using “Template” type – you can use this for concatenation
This is not much useful

6. TestCase Debugging – to debug test cases by having breakpoints as in screenshot

Asterisk here indicates change in the value when compares with previous run.

7. Test Case Coverage – will tell you how much coverage are we covering in out testScripts from WSDL file
To get coverage, we have to Enable Coverage and run

8. Test On Demand – by using this we can run our webService from different global location with condition that no files are kept locally. Result of script which ran in Chicago Illinois environment is as below

Happie Learning...!!!

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